NADA Automobiles Association of Nepal

NADA Automobiles Association of Nepal is an Exclusive National-level Organization that comprises of all the Automobile Importers/ Distributors, Manufacturers and Dealers, established in 1975 with the vision to support the Entire Automotive Industry of Nepal and contribute to Nation Development.

Welcome to Nada Automobile Association

Contributing in Nepal's Economy

NADA’s belief since its establishment has been to contribute to the country's economic development by promoting and effectively activating the Nepalese automotive business.

10,00,000+ Total Employees
90.05 Billion NPR Revenue Generated
100 Billion NPR Total Investments
3,200+ Auto Importers & Distributors



NADA Automobiles Association of Nepal Historical Video

Dedicated to all the NADA well-wishers.

Message From The President

Karan Kumar Chaudhary

Distinguished Guests and Visitors, and Colleagues from the Automobile Sector and Beyond,

Warm Greetings!

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you as the President of NADA Automobiles Association of Nepal into our official online portal.

As the 22nd President, I am honored to lead one of the prestigious and reputed organization established in 1975 A.D that contributes a tremendous effort for nation bnduilding. Being the President of such an impactful organization not only makes me proud due to the member’s trust but also adds upon a heap of responsibility; as now I have to strive towards the development of the automobile sector evaluating the situation. Making services journey with 29 capable and dedicated executive committee members and 28 functional committees among 3300 plus members under my leadership, NADA team is committed to support and satisfy all members during my tenure.

The Nepal automobile industry provides more than 20% of revenue to government and provides 1 lakhs direct and 10 lakhs indirect employments alone in the country. To serve as an umbrella organization and better facilitate the same industry is NADA’s keen role. We are diversified organization with distinguished members like entrepreneurs, traders and manufactures of all vehicles ranging from two to multi wheelers and light to heavy, any commodity related to automotives as spare parts, lubricants, tubes & tyres. We are a strong and vital automobiles business organization focused on being welfares of our valued members and advocate on their behalf before government agencies, the media and the public.

Boundary-less horizon and open sky is the limit and scope of NADA, and my full effort will be focused to rise up the reputation and glorify history of our organization.

At last, I would like to specially thank my executive team for facilitation, cooperation and empowerment of our members and also all NADA members and well-wishers for supporting me and my programs for our organization to serve the country for a noble cause of nation building.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Karan Kumar Chaudhary,


Meet The NADA Executove Committee

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